Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HELP! - Rescue Mission

This is a picture of young Daniel, pictured above, shaking hands on a promise to LEAVE the STREETS 2 weeks ago. Dirty, malnourished & very vulnerable to abuse from older kids, Daniel WAS optimistic about leaving the streets & his glue-sniffing addiction, but renegged on his decision to come off or even speak to us these past 2 weeks.
Daniel needs your prayers. HE'S CLOSE, but hasn't fully come around to taking the 1st step towards recovery & freedom. As you can see he's very young, probably 12 years old, & has already been the victim of abuse & is addicted to at least one substance. His future can be bright & we want to ask for your prayers that the Holy Spirit would indeed him to decide to embrace a new start to life & God's work of redemption & restoration.

1 comment:

  1. Sending a prayer up from Atlanta! Daniel, take that leap of faith. God is trustworthy!
