Friday, September 24, 2010

Still a Ways to Go

Our street team is hitting the pavement once again.

This week we uncovered a new group of street kids in a completely different canal in another part of the city. It's a huge canal, underneath one of the main roundabouts in the city. We met new boys Pacho, Carlos, & Christian; and some old friends we hadn't seen in a while like Jorge, Epson, Shirley, Michel, Jose & Freddy. Although their 'sleeping quarters' are a bit more spacious, & there's no bullying from the police as of yet here - the plight of these kids & their blindness to their own destruction just breaks your heart. Surrounded by trash, human feses, rats, & drugs - what begins as a Huck Finn like adventurous existence quickly becomes addiction, disease & even death.

Jorge, a boy we've known for several years, who's now 19, upon waking up, let us know it was his birthday the other day. No sooner had he gotten the words out of his mouth, & another kid piped up & said, 'yeah, this sissy tried to hang himself on his birthday, had it not been for some little kid who found him in a noose & brought him down, he would've killed himself.' Jorge responded w/ silence, head hung low & ashamed. It's a dark reality & a lonely existence. We urged Jorge to let us take him to a rehab center for young adults that morning, and he just was not interested. Pray for him, his salvation & also for Jose, Pacho, Carlos, Christian & the other kids mentioned above. Time is NOT on their side, but God longs to do a redemptive work in them!

Celebrating w/ Darlene!

Darlene (pictured above w/ son Alex) has come a long way. Since coming to the home almost 3 years ago she has given her life to the Lord, had major reconstructive skull surgery, gotten back on track w/ her education & taken on the responsibility of raising her 5 year old son Alex, who up until last year was in the care of his grandmother. Darlene is developing into a fine mother & is also a wonderful cook. She celebrated her birthday this Monday, with all of the gang at the girls' home. Keep her in your prayers that she would continue along the right path & achieve the highest dreams God has for her!

Yolanda - 14 year old Princess!

Yolanda (seated 2nd from left), just celebrated her 14th birthday on Friday! Patty's 4 sisters (2 of them pictured above, Isset far left & Cinthia 3rd from left) & nephew were among several guests who came to wish Yolanda the happiest of birthdays on Saturday. Yoli will be going into private school next year & is growing up fast. Her older sister Lupe is also at the home & for her birthday Yoli's aunt & cousin came to wish her well!

Luis Fernando

15 year-old, Luis Fernando (picture above,) from the boys' restoration home, 'El Camino' last week, went through some pretty serious ear surgery to repair his ruptured, left ear drum. The surgery went well according to the ear, nose & throat specialist and Luis Fernando is back recovering at El Camino.
It was revealed to us after a routine check-up, that Luis had lost quite a bit of his hearing in his left ear earlier in the year. Apparently earlier in his childhood, he had suffered some trauma in the inner-ear which caused the ear drum to tear. The doctor recommended that he be operated on for the situation not to deteriorate any more. Please pray, as Luis Fernando continues to recover, & that God would heal his hearing through the surgery.

VIVA Network - City-wide Day of Principles & Values

The organization Patty helped to get up & running here, Viva Network (formerly called Red Viva), just recently helped get a municipal ordinance passed & funded that declared an official Day of Recognition of Values & Principles here in Santa Cruz! Viva has been partnering w/ the municipality to educate thousands of youth in schools across the city about abstinence, the dangers & realities of drug & alcohol abuse, maintaining one's integrity & other topics related to preserving Christ-centered values & principles for the past 3 years. The day of celebration of values & principles culminated w/ a concert of Christian artists & a ceremony honoring individuals who give their lives to defend principles & values. The event was a attended by a great number of people in the main town square.
Viva Network has worked for years to network Christian organizations together who work with children at risk in many nations around the world. The organization has helped to train, equip, organize & unite Christian organizations working in favor of children - in order to extend God's Kingdom more effectively & collaboratively. Viva also promotes Christ-centered values particularly among kids & teens, in secular & Christian schools throughout the city & country. Overall it was a wonderful event where the attention of the entire city was directed & reminded of our need to preserve a Godly standard w/i society.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


So everyone this is our latest girl, her name is Wilma (pictured above, planting flowers outside the reception house 'El Toborochi')! She came to us last week from the government child protection services, with a court order to come to the home. Wilma is 17, and hails from a small town called Comarapa, about 3 hours outside of Santa Cruz.

In an all too familiar story, Wilma was abandoned by her family & as a teenager got in deep with the wrong crowd. This year, she dropped out of school and was living on her own, bouncing around from house to house when she could. Wilma is excited about being with us & asks for prayer help in helping to overcome an alcohol addiction that she admittedly could no longer control. Please pray for her, as she gets acclimated to life at the girls' home. She is a sweet girl, wants to be a doctor when she's older & indeed has a bright future ahead of her.

Luis Enrique!!!

Luis Enrique (on the streets above, after coming to the home below), is our newest boy at the boys' restoration home, El Camino. He is Lidia's, from the girls' home, brother hailing from the south of Bolivia, from a city called Tarija. Luis Enrique arrived to us on the day of the World Cup Finals and his time with us so far has been a blessing.

He is 12 years' old, was abandoned by his father, & basically totally neglected by his alcoholic mother as well. Left to raise himself, running amuck in the markets & stealing to buy food to survive, Luis E. was taken out of school at a very young age. He is adjusting well to life at the home & has made friends with several of the boys. He is participating in classes w/ the tutor at the home learning to read & write, so that next January, he will go back to school. Pray for Luis Enrique, as he's got some serious wounds from childhood & probably stemming from that, tends to sometimes react aggressively. Learning new habits, everything from personal hygiene, to daily school work, to helping out at the home, Luis has shown a lot of courage & we know he will continue to grow, as he allows God to work in his life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Renaissance Ladies!

Pictured above is our newly opened art studio, led by local artist Yovana Mamani (pictured far left), who also attends our church Aposento Alto. Yovana has been a delightful addition to our ministry, recently coming on to serve full-time in the ministry, after having graduated from University with her art degree. Some of her students are pictured above Lupe, Ninoska & Luz.

She is currently teaching the girls basic pottery skills, which only makes sense w/ the name of the the girls' home being 'El Alfarero' (The Potter's house). Pottery classes in addition to being a great stress reliever for the girls, also equips them with another skill they'll have before leaving the home. We want to thank CBC Highlands in particular for help getting the art project up & running by donating the equipment (art table, stools, some supplies) for the studio.

Blowing the Roof Off The Place !!!

Stunning! Wow! HOO-WAH!
One of the highlights of this year for me by far, has to be having participated in a worship service led by our boys from the boys' home El Camino, in celebration of YWAM's 50 year anniversary. A packed house got to witness redemption in action, as our boys well on they're way to being restored from a past on the streets; once timid & shy about worship - just let er' rip for one spectacular night!

Gifted musically & standing as a living testimony of God's grace - the guys belted out song after song declaring Christ as their saviour & His love as the answer for their lives. It was high-energy, loud & from the heart, setting the tone for an awesome evening of gratitude & praise for God's faithfulness over the last 50 years.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sarah back in Bolivia

Wrapping up a season of remarkable guests, we recently had the privilege of welcoming the always lovely, insightful & fun - SARAH LANIER - to Bolivia for the 1st time in 17 years. It was an honor to have Sarah with us for our National Conference, 50 year YWAM anniversary, ministering to our street kids' ministry Op. Restoration team & at the training base as well. Gifted & renowned for her work in the areas of leadership, team dynamics & conflict resolution in multi-cultural teams, debriefing crisis situations, & helping missionaries finish well - Sarah brought the whole spectrum of light in a number of different areas to our team here. Sought after around the world and bombarded by requests for a piece of her time - it means the world to us here that she would take the time to come & serve us wholeheartedly. Thanks Sarah!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Update on Abel!

From the streets, to the boys' restoration home, to high school graduation, and now college and a job; God's redemptive work is exemplified well in Abel's (pictured above) life!

Abel was part of our 1st graduating class from the boys' restoration home, 'El Camino.' Since graduation he has completed the Discipleship Training School with YWAM and is half-way through his accounting degree at university. Abel has also become the 1st boy to officially join the work force, taking a job as a cashier at the local supermarket chain, Fidalga. He is working 40 hours a week and taking a full load of classes. Abel is the 1st in what's to be a long line of victorious lives embracing a new destiny & the life God has for them. Thanks for remembering him in your prayers.