Friday, September 25, 2009

Together Again At Last

After having been apart for the last 4 years, Alex who was living w/ his grandmother in the north of Bolivia, is now back with his mom Darlene at the girls' restoration home 'El Alfarero!' Alex is Darlene's only child & was born at a time in Darlene's life when she really wasn't ready to be a loving, nurturing mother - at which time she made really the wise decision, to let her mom step in & help raise little Alex. Darlene has come a long way since then & several months ago expressed her desire to be reunited with her son. Since his arrival, Alex has taken well to life at the home and is a happy, energetic, guitar pickin' little boy!

Please pray for Darlene as she is really just now learning to be a mother, but is so far doing a great job.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Aposento Missions- to Uruguay

This is part of the 2009 Aposento Alto missions team that will be heading to Uruguay next month! As most of you already know, this will be the 5th consecutive year our Bolivian church has sent a short-term missions team out to minister internationally.

So why Uruguay?

Uruguay, unlike its catholic neighbors, is by far & away the most atheistic nation in South America. Uruguay is a small country, made up of largely european immigrants & descendants who for the most part esteem logic, intellectualism, individualism & humanism over faith or a relationship w/ Jesus Christ. And while there is a church presence in Uruguay, the mainstream culture feels they have 'moved on' from professing a belief in or a need for Jesus Christ, and in the last decade have been quite unwelcoming to the gospel.

Uruguay needs Jesus Christ

The 2009 trip will have as its focus community service - ministering & lending a hand in areas of much need. The team will be partnering with YWAM Uruguay & the local church in Montevideo (the capital city). The team also plans to visit hospitals, pray for the sick and serve in retirement homes for the elderly & in children's orphanages - sharing the gospel through art & drama, helping w/ service projects, & organizing fun activities for kids & the elderly many of whom are seldom visited.

The team is currently raising funds to be able to go by bus, a 2 day trip, and minister in Uruguay. If you'd like to partner financially w/ the team, you can deposit a gift into Patty's account in the U.S.

Wachovia - Checking Acct. #1010199456033

Please pray for the team & the folks they're going to minister to as they prepare for the trip next month!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Went fishing the other day . . .

& hooked a big one.

Say hello to Ivan.

Ivan is 15 & is our newest boy @ the boys' home!

One of the greatest thrills in working w/ street kids is seeing them decide to come off the streets & literally see the light return to their eyes.

Such was the case w/ Ivan, who already has come a long way since coming off the streets & arriving at our boys' home 2 weeks ago. After spending the last 4 years of his life on the streets & addicted to drugs - & having listened to years of prompting & prayers from many folks leading up to one decisive moment - Ivan made the decision to come off of the streets 2 weeks ago & is fitting in nicely at the boys' home, 'El Camino.' Ivan during his time on the streets developed a very serious drug habit, & has struggled a bit w/ withdrawal symptoms - but so far has overcome the urge to go back to life on the streets. Please join us in praying for Ivan that he would continue to persevere, will choose to give his heart to the Lord, & embrace the Life that Christ longs for each of us to have.