Thursday, December 24, 2009

Kids Games - Sta Cruz 2009!

KIDS GAMES SANTA CRUZ 2009 has just wrapped up & this year was another outstanding experience for all the kids involved! This is the 4th year Kids' Games has sought to mobilize the church into getting into the community - using sports to have fun, evangelize, & impart biblical truths - in reaching out to kids whom many would otherwise never accept an invitation to come to church.

This year, 4 local churches (including 1 new church who'd never participated before), 1 orphanage (who'd also never competed before), and our 2 restoration homes El Camino & El Alfarero came together to make the event happen.

During the week, close to 300 kids, many non-believers, heard the gospel & received teachings on topics pertaining to this year's focus 'Living Life to the Fullest,' such as: No Small Significance: The Value Jesus Places on Kids, Trusting in God in order to Triumph, Kindness & Helping Others. Enjoy the photos!

Francisco - to Peru & back

This is Francisco from the Reintegration house (& one of the 1st 4 grads from our boys' home). One year & 1/2 into his Engineering degree, Francisco decided to take a semester & deepen his walk w/ the Lord, responding to a desire in his heart to know God more, & enlist in the YWAM Discipleship Training School (or DTS).

He is now on the verge of wrapping up his 5 month DTS. The 3-month lecture phase has been completed. Francisco & his fellow students were then sent to Peru to evangelize & serve in the local church there. Now he & his team are back in Bolivia, he will be heading off to evangelize & minister in a little town out in the country in Eastern Bolivia.

Francisco has received generous donations to pay for his entire school & outreach abroad to Peru. Thanks for your prayers & support of him!

Mauricio Moves: part 3 - Back Home

After deciding to leave the streets, Mauricio came w/ us to the Reception house, where he'd been twice before. The 1st time w/ us he didn't even last one week. His addiction overcame him, & he demanded to leave & go back to the streets, which was very sad for all of us - & was actually one of the only times a kid hasn't made it through the 1st week w/ us at the Reception House. The 2nd time Mauricio completed his week at the Reception house, went to our boys' restoration home, was doing great & then again went back to the streets & drug abuse after 1 1/2 weeks at the home.

Mauricio, this time has come through the Reception house, & has been at the boys home 3 weeks now - already a great victory for him! He was well underweight, malnourished, and had every parasite known to man in his belly. He's been treated for that, & is also getting treated for a fungal rash on his arm - but is gradually recuperating strength, energy & motivation to live & fight for his life.

Please help us pray for him, that Mauricio would allow the Lord to be his true saviour, help him live out real freedom, & triumph over drugs once & for all! Mauricio is super likeable, all the kids at the home love him & want to see him succeed. Last week he participated in & helped the home win several medals at the annual Kids' Games athletic competition. Pray that God's purposes would be fulfilled in his life, that he would come to know Jesus intimately & profoundly, that he would take his place at the home, & just for a continued release from the bondage of drug use. Our God is Mighty to Save! Merry Christmas Everyone!

Mauricio Moves: part 2 - Decision Time

Mauricio flanked from left to right by Larry, superstar Rob Garrison, & Roberto. This was the last time we saw Mauricio on the streets & he made the decision to leave the streets.

Mauricio Moves

This is a photo of Mauricio, who's 13 year's old & has lived like this, under a bridge, & addicted to a smokeable form of cocaine for most of the last 3 1/2 years.

Monday, December 14, 2009

More Grads!

The boys home, 'El Camino' ('The Way') has produced 2 more high school grads! Congratulations to Enrique (left) & Humberto (right), who graduated high school the Saturday after Thanksgiving of 2009. We're very proud of both of these guys, as they've given their lives to the Lord, shown great resilience, developed discipline, been good role models at the home, kicked drugs, & are dreaming big dreams for their future.

They will be moving into the reintegration house early next year, and in the interim will be taking classes at a local technical institute, to become more proficient w/ using the computer & Microsoft Office programs. They will also have to take their college entrance exams at the end of December so pray for them, as they prepare for the next big step in their lives. Enrique wants to study law & go into politics, & Humberto desires to pursue communications.


Hey, wanted to write a quick update on our boys from the Reintegration house. Again, these are the guys who've come off of the streets, spent years restoring their lives at 'El Camino,' have graduated high school, and are now preparing to become independent young men integrating back into society.

Juan (2nd from left), is finishing up his 1st year at university studying Electro-mechanical engineering. Abel (middle, w/ white shirt), is taking a heavy load in his 2nd year pursuing his Accounting degree. Raul (far right), is finishing up his technical degree in computer operation & & basic programming; and is also taking classes towards a Computer Engineering degree at university. Francisco (not pitcured) put his college career on hold for a semester, in order to do a Discipleship Training School with Youth With a Mission. He is currently on outreach in Peru w/ the rest of his classmates from the school.

Please pray for these guys as they continue their studies & walking in God's plan for their lives. We'd also like to ask your prayers for us as well, as we're looking at exit strategies & time tables for when the right time is for them to move out on their own.