Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Blood in the Family

Alejandro is our newest boy in El Camino, the boys' restoration home! He's 10 years old & comes to us after having run away several times from a very abusive situation at home with his mother & step-dad. Alejandro was found sleeping in the market by himself, in one of the poorer areas of the city. He's one of 7 kids, and was not going to school so he could 'take care of' his younger brothers & sisters in his family's 1-room rented space. His step-dad would lock them in the room until either he or his mother returned late at night. When Alejandro didn't take care of his younger siblings adequately enough, or had fought with them during the day, his step-dad would take a hammer and smash his fingernails.
Alejandro has just finished a week with us at El Toborochi (our reception house for street kids) & is currently spending his 1st weekend at the boys' home. Please pray for him & his adjustment to new life at the home. We are very happy to have him & know the Lord's going to bring much needed healing to his life. He accepted Christ as his saviour while at the reception house & is excited to make new friends at the home!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HELP! - Rescue Mission

This is a picture of young Daniel, pictured above, shaking hands on a promise to LEAVE the STREETS 2 weeks ago. Dirty, malnourished & very vulnerable to abuse from older kids, Daniel WAS optimistic about leaving the streets & his glue-sniffing addiction, but renegged on his decision to come off or even speak to us these past 2 weeks.
Daniel needs your prayers. HE'S CLOSE, but hasn't fully come around to taking the 1st step towards recovery & freedom. As you can see he's very young, probably 12 years old, & has already been the victim of abuse & is addicted to at least one substance. His future can be bright & we want to ask for your prayers that the Holy Spirit would indeed him to decide to embrace a new start to life & God's work of redemption & restoration.